January 2011: Radio 3 to broadcast 'Nights in a Divided Spain'

January 2011: Radio 3 to broadcast 'Nights in a Divided Spain'

On Saturday 19th January at 12.15pm  BBC Radio 3 will broadcast 'Nights in a Divided Spain' with Dermot Clinch (90-93 FM)

Thoughts of Spanish music mostly conjure up images of exoticism or flamenco, frequently written by composers from outside Spain itself. But within Spain a national music was flourishing at the start of the 20th century, with Manuel de Falla leading the way. Dermot Clinch explores the meaning of 'Spanishness' for native composers such as Falla, Joaquin Rodrigo and Roberto Gerhard (later exiled in England), and looks at their music against the backdrop of the political and cultural upheavals of the 1930s and 40s: the creation of the Republic followed by the Nationalist uprising, the ensuing Civil War and the subsequent regime of General Franco.  With contributions from the musicologists Carol Hess, Graham Wade and Samuel Llano and from the historian Paul Preston, along with the insider's viewpoint from Madrid with Cecilia Rodrigo, daughter of the composer and keeper of his memory and archive.




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